Venice Knight
Venice Knight
Venice Knight is 50 years-old and works as an interior decorator in California. She was born in Germany and now makes her home in San Francisco. She likes collecting lingerie, travelling around the country and watching the Chicago Bulls basketball team. Her favorite kind of date is a late lunch or late dinner when she and her date have the whole restaurant to themselves. Her goal is to try to have sex in every country she visits. "I'm a Sagittarius. We like to travel and we're very detailed people. I am attracted to men who are smart and have a dry sense of humor. He should be very skilled at sex. He definitely needs to have skills," says Venice. This is her first time so please give her a big hand. In fact, make it two

Venice Knight is 50 years-old and works as an interior decorator in California. She was born in Germany and now makes her home in San Francisco. She likes collecting lingerie, travelling around the country and watching the Chicago Bulls basketball team. Her favorite kind of date is a late lunch or late dinner when she and her date have the whole restaurant to themselves. Her goal is to try to have sex in every country she visits. "I'm a Sagittarius. We like to travel and we're very detailed people. I am attracted to men who are smart and have a dry sense of humor. He should be very skilled at sex. He definitely needs to have skills," says Venice. This is her first time so please give her a big hand. In fact, make it two